BloombergExtract Tool - this application automates and simpliefies data extracttion from Bloomberg.

A typical session includes user specifying tickers and fileds to be extracted and running BloombergExtract command line utility. After completion the output file is created.

To install please first install R. Next download and unzip BloombergExtract Tool. To run execute BloombergExtract.exe.

This program requires R installation because all calculations are carried out in R.

Help for BloombergExtract project

This application automates and simpliefies data extracttion from Bloomberg.
Bloomber Proffesional service

BloombergExtract Tool

BloombergExtract Tool works in snapshoot and historical modes. In the snapshoot mode, the default mode, application extracts last available data. In the historical mode, specified by "-hist" command line option, application extracts historical data.


Usage: BloombergExtract.exe
  • -ticker [tickers_filename] - required
  • -field [fields_filename] - required
  • -out [output_filename] - required
  • -nchunk [number if omitted defaults to 10
  • -periodicity [daily/weekly/monthly/quaterly/annual if omitted defaults to monthly]
  • -hist [option to indicate historical extract]
  • -startdate [start date] - required in hist mode
  • BloombergExtract.exe -ticker "input/eqy_tickers.csv" -field "input/price_fields.csv" -out result.csv
  • BloombergExtract.exe -ticker "input/eqy_tickers.csv" -field "input/price_fields.csv" -out result.csv -periodicity "weekly"
  • BloombergExtract.exe -ticker "input/eqy_tickers.csv" -field "input/price_fields.csv" -out result.csv -nchunk 100
  • BloombergExtract.exe -ticker "input/eqy_tickers.csv" -field "input/hist_fields.csv" -out result.csv -periodicity "weekly" -hist -startdate "12/31/1992"

Ticker file format

Ticker file format can be either:
  • ID_CUSIP, ' Equity Cusip'
  • EQY_FUND_TICKER, ' Equity'
  • BB_UNIQUE, ' Equity'

Fields file format

Snapshoot Fields file format:
  • Name, required, used to name columns in the output file, highlighed with "yellow"
  • Field, required, Bloomber field used to extract data, highlighed with "blue"
  • OverrideField, optional, Bloomber OverrideField used to extract data, highlighed with "green"
  • Override, optional, Bloomber Override used to extract data, highlighed with "orange"


Historical Fields file format:
  • Name, required, used to name output files, highlighed with "yellow"
  • Field, required, Bloomber field used to extract data, highlighed with "blue"


Snapshoot mode, Output Example:
In the Snapshoot mode, the program will create one output. Tickers are located in Column A, highlighed with "orange". Fields are located in Row 1, highlighed with "yellow"

Historical mode, Output Example:
In the Historical mode, the program will create one output. Tickers are located in Column A, highlighed with "orange". Fields are located in Row 1, highlighed with "yellow"

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are most likely reason for an Error message:
  • The Tickers or Fields File Format is different from expected. Please follow the examples provided to create your Tickers and Fields files.

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